
Forge of empires how to combat being plundered
Forge of empires how to combat being plundered

Most new players who flounder and end up hating the game - namely the PvP aspect, do so because they just blindly race through unlocking techs & constantly pushing forward on the main campaign map. (Zeus + Cathedral of Achen + Castel del Monte) 'wrong' way to advance, in FoE, it is absolutely critical that you *never* advance until your city is well and truly prepared.įor example, it's generally accepted that you don't want to unlock the 'Military Tactics' technology which unlocks the attacking/plundering mechanics, until *after* you've built & leveled your main 3 military GB's to Lv10. Unlike Elvenar where there is no 'right' vs. (ie: can finally spend fp's on other players GB's) First Iron Age tech you want to research is 'Architecture' which unlocks Great Building donation.

forge of empires how to combat being plundered

Bronze Age is basically the tutorial stage - get out of it as quickly as you can.Ģ.

Forge of empires how to combat being plundered